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Audenshaw School

A lesson in IT modernisation - Teachers gain an hour of teaching time each day with an easy-to-manage cloud computing environment in end-to-end Dell Technologies infrastructure.

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Audenshaw School

About Audenshaw School


Audenshaw School in Manchester, north-west England, educates almost 1,200 boys aged 11–18, with a coeducational sixth form for students in the final two years. Founded in 1932 as Audenshaw Grammar, it has built up a reputation for excellence in sports, particularly rugby. The school has undergone many changes in structure, the most recent of which was in 2010, when it became one of the UK’s first academies, gaining independence from local authority control.


The challenge

Audenshaw School wanted to improve teaching and learning and offer staff a better work/life balance.

"Teachers gain an extra hour a day with our Dell Technologies environment."

Steven Morton
IT manager, Audenshaw School

The ten-year plan pays off


When assessing the solution at the beginning of the project, Morton had to compare the cost of refreshing the existing infrastructure with the cost of employing more technicians to maintain and update an alternative. “One of the reasons I chose cloud client-computing was the longevity of the thin clients and the lower management overheads. I’m 100 per cent certain that it will be more cost-effective over ten years,” he says. “We were fortunate to have a visionary head teacher and a supportive governing body that shared our goals. We’re delighted with the whole project — we have a fantastic solution implemented by a wonderful team of professionals. It’s benefitting our students and staff greatly.”


Business benefits


  • Teachers save an hour daily thanks to increased uptime provided by robust thin clients.


  • More secure, mobile approach as a result of cloud client-computing. 


  • The easy-to-manage environment requires just two IT staff.


Audenshaw School




100+ Employees


IT Professional Services

Ready to streamline your IT operations

Situated between Manchester and Liverpool, our IT experts are perfectly positioned to take care of the tech, so you can focus on what really matters.

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