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Need a hand with a specific project?

Team up with Nviron for your projects. Whatever the challenge, we have a team of experts ready to create IT solutions that work for you.

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Get Nviron on your team

Managed services are when you would pay an IT business like ours a monthly fee, or retainer if you like, for the services you require in your business on a day-to-day basis.

Professional services are for more project-led work. For example, you may have a specific problem or challenge which needs addressing. In this instance, we will get under the skin of the problem and bring you the perfect solution devised and developed by our team.

Using Nviron for your ongoing IT requirements and professional services means a cohesive approach with a team that knows how you operate.

Fixed price

On usage

Time & materials

Skills Matrix

Nviron Cloud Hero 3

We put you first

  • Your business is unique to you, as is your way of working. That's why we've devised three clear engagement types for our professional services, ensuring the right choice is available for your project.


  • We love technology, but delivering great service is our passion. Understanding your objective is fundamental to how we work.


  • Remote working has its place, but we relish the opportunity to be on-site and get to know you face-to-face. 
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Staying on top

You don't get this far down the line without making a few friends. Our team invest some serious time and energy in keeping up with the Joneses (or even ahead of them). 


We stay up to date with the latest technology trends and are accredited to the highest of standards with the vendors you'd expect from a leading IT service provider.

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Partners & Accreditations

Nviron boasts strong partnerships with global tech leaders and holds top accreditations.

Nviron Dell Technologies Platinum
Nviron Cyber Essentials Plus
Microsoft Solution Provider - Modern Work
Microsoft Solution Partner Infrastructure Azure
Nviron VMware Partner Connect
Nviron Fortinet
Nviron Lenovo Intelligent Devices Partner
Nviron Veeam Pro Partner
Nviron Cisco Partner
Nviron Zen

Ready to streamline your IT operations

Situated between Manchester and Liverpool, our IT experts are perfectly positioned to take care of the tech, so you can focus on what really matters.

Get in touch