About Stonyhurst College
Stonyhurst College, the independent, top-rated boarding school in Lancashire, England, is not content to rest on its reputation. The school—whose alums include celebrated politicians, writers and sports figures—aims to deliver learning that equips students to be successful when they begin their careers. Stonyhurst is unique in serving a student population from all over the globe, ranging from 3-year-olds in nursery school to students up to 18.
In a technology project that builds on the college’s recent infrastructure refresh to enable a modern learning environment, Stonyhurst decided to replace its projectors and electronic whiteboards.
The challenge
Stonyhurst College is in the middle of a wide-ranging technology modernisation project designed to deliver the most effective learning and help students excel in a digital era.
"After a rapid setup, teachers and students can use the Dell 86 4K monitors immediately."
The keystone of digital learning technology
For Stonyhurst College, the Dell 86 4K monitors help meet the high expectations of parents worldwide who keep close tabs on their children’s experience. Wilmore explains, “We aim to improve parent engagement and give parents greater visibility to see how students progress. The Dell 86 4K monitors allow us to showcase how we use technology creatively to deliver a 21st-century curriculum and contribute to our ability to attract those parents who support Stonyhurst College’s educational mission.”
Stonyhurst continues its technology modernisation, migrating processes and hosted services to the cloud. “As we introduce more applications and learning scenarios, the Dell monitors will smoothly fit into the changing environment,” says Wilmore. “They will make it possible to give instructors and students more choices in using mobile devices and operating systems and foster an engaging experience. The Dell 86 4K monitor is a key feature of our technology strategy for the next ten years.”
Business benefits
- Demonstrates creative approaches to digital learning to the global parent community.
- It helps teachers improve their ratings.
- Allows a broad range of learning and teaching scenarios and projects.
- Supports educational strategy for years to come.
Stonyhurst College
100+ Employees
IT Procurement
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